Ego, Attitude and Loneliness

I'm sure there are millions of lonely hearts in the world.

I believe that while many people choose to be alone without feeling lonely, many others can't help being alone and feeling lonely.

People with attitude are very likely to stay lonely, since they build up a fortress to surround themselves, to defend themselves from being hurt. Attitude always goes with ego, which always goes with insecurities, sensitivity and vulnerabilities. Sometimes it may also be a reflection of an unpleasant past experience.

As I have observed, those who seem to have an attitude are not very happy, even though they crave for attention, friendship and love as much as anyone else. They have very few good friends, and are hardly gratified with their love life.

People were not born with attitude. For them, attitude is a conditional reflex, as a way to protect their self-esteem, when they assume a certain person they will confront may have an attitude.

No human beings can live alone. Happiness often lies in how well one interacts with people surrounding him or her, and yet loneliness and isolation certainly won't bring happiness. To achieve happiness, we need to live truthfully, to approach those who cross our path without a disguise and with an open heart.

Attitude that comes from ego is bad, as it will hurt others and yet it won't do good to you, either.